Toby D’Olier


Hi there, I am Toby D’Olier, I am the great (x7) grandson of Isaac d’Olier of Montauban (1667 - 1744) on the line of the eldest surviving son.

This website will hopefully provide a homing beacon for D’Oliers the world over who are looking to find members of the family and wonder how they are related.

I am currently digitising the family tree ( the work in progress is HERE )

In time it will be displayed in its entirety on this site. This will hopefully provide some clues to other D’Oliers as to how they may be related, which in turn may provide me with more information to fill in some of the blanks.

There are plenty of D’Oliers on FACEBOOK, you may also wish to contact.


Name: Toby D’Olier

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Birthday: April 11th

Hometown: London, UK


Industry: Media

Occupation: Video Producer

Employer: Self Employed

Location: London, UK


Quote: Hunter S Thompson: "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."

New Reading: Charlie Brooker's Dawn of the Dumb; American Political Parties & Elections

Movies: Mallrats, Lost in Translation, Bourne Trilogy, Ghostbusters I & II, Bullitt, The Big Lebowski

TV Shows: Battlestar Galactica (New), Sopranos, The Wire, The West Wing, Futurama, The Colbert Report

Music: D&B, House, Jazz

Travel Destination: Siena, Italy; Zweisimmen, Switzerland



About Me

Email Me

I currently work for myself as a freelance Video Producer and editor.

I spend a lot of summers walking in Switzerland where I have taken several thousand photos over the years.

My full portfolio is available on my Flickr Gallery